

The creator of this concept set the privacy mode to private.


img url:

Melee - Ranged - <%concept.roles%>

Not Shown Melee Ranged


Read this before creating a concept:

Links to some websites will be automatically turned to hyperlinks in the other and credits box. We only allow certain websites to prevent our service being used by spammers and sellers of backlinks.
The whitelisted websites are: reddit.com/r/dotaconcepts, deviantart.net, youtube.com.
If you think that other websites are suited for this or your hyperlink does not show please contact us.

Ability description and ability extra description accept different color fonts. Just wrap the text with [colourName]text[/colorName].
For example [green]coloured text[/green] will be coloured text.
Accepted colours are: green, blue, purple, orange, red.

If you want the summary, bio, other or credits box to not appear don't write any text in it.

The rectangle shape image has a ratio of 1.78 and the rest are square.
For copyright / security reasons currently we only accept images from imgur.com and postimg.com, jpg, jpeg, png and gif. Sorry for being so restrictive but we want to avoid security problems.
Examples of accepted img url: http://i.imgur.com/t36ewMF.png http://s28.postimg.org/4xviqvyzx/t36ew_MF.png
Be careful as urls like http://i.imgur.com/t36ewMF.png?1 or http://imgur.com/t36ewMF are not accepted.
Please backup your images in case something happens with these third parties.
You can find some free icons on game-icons.net

If you want other image hosting services added or have any kind of problem please contact us.

Be sure to mark your hero as "finished" in the options area when you are done editing, either as a dota hero or a mod hero. This will allow people to upvote or downvote your concept. We will implement a place to showcase finished heroes.

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Support us by becoming our Patreon and choose the next developed features!


See the concept as other people would see it here.

Your hero is marked as unfinished. People will not be able to upvote / downvote
and it won't be shown on the trending / popular hero pages.
Your hero is marked as private. Only you can see it.

Please also check if the save was ok by viewing the hero concept.


Type of hero: dota private hero unfinished hero dota hero dota fun hero dota mod hero
Heroes which are unfinished can't be upvoted / downvoted and won't be shown on dotaconcept.com.

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Post as Anonymous


box will not appear as there is no text



61 27
to vote

*we are using Steam OpenID - this allows our application to authenticate a user's SteamID without requiring them to enter their Steam username or password on our site.
img url:
<%concept.overview.intInit%> + <%concept.overview.intPlus%> +
<%concept.overview.agiInit%> + <%concept.overview.agiPlus%> +
<%concept.overview.strInit%> + <%concept.overview.strPlus%> +
<%concept.overview.atackMin%> - <%concept.overview.atackMax%> -
<%CalculateMovementSpeed(1)%> w Agi

img url:

<%aHTMLPiece.text%> Ability description:

Talent Tree

LVL <%10+abRow*5%>: <%concept.talentTree.values[abRow*2].text%> <%concept.talentTree.values[abRow*2].text2%> OR <%concept.talentTree.values[abRow*2+1].text%> <%concept.talentTree.values[abRow*2+1].text2%>


box will not appear as there is no text



<%CalculateDamageMin(25)%> - <%CalculateDamageMax(25)%>
<%CalculateDamageMin(15)%> - <%CalculateDamageMax(15)%>
<%CalculateDamageMin(1)%> - <%CalculateDamageMax(1)%>

show default hide default

show default hide default



Remove ability Move ability up Move ability down

img url:

<%aHTMLPiece.text%> Ability description:

Ability description extra (does not appear on overview):

  • <%note.text%>

  • <%note.text%>


Add new note

Add new comment

Mana Cost Mana Cost: <%ability.manaCost.value%>
Cooldown Cooldown: <%ability.cooldown.value%>

show default hide default

  • <%attribute.key%> : <%attribute.value%>
    Add new row
    show default hide default

  • <%attribute.key%> : <%attribute.value%>
    Add new row

    show talent tree only in abilities
    show talent tree in overview too
    hide talent tree

    Talent Tree



    You can leave a link to a /r/DotaConcepts post so that people can give you suggestions, a youtube video that showcases the hero or anything else that you may think of.

    box will not appear as there is no text



    Add new version
    • <%versionItem.text%>


    box will not appear as there is no text



    This content is user generated. We take no responsibility for, we do not expressly or implicitly endorse,
    and we do not assume any liability for any user content submitted.
    Please contact us if you think this page should be removed.

    Dota 2 is a registered trademark of Valve Corporation. This site is not affiliated with Valve Corporation. This pages layout, all game images, and names are property of Valve Corporation.
    We take no responsibility for, we do not expressly or implicitly endorse, and we do not assume any liability for any user content or copyrighted material submitted by you.
    We have the right to delete any content you post at any moment (you can get your data back of course). We do not want to do this but we need to be able to protect ourselves.
    We do have backups, but we are not responsible if something happens to our servers and lose the data before we are able to backup it.

    Dota 2 is a registered trademark of Valve Corporation. This site is not affiliated with Valve Corporation. This pages layout, all game images, and names are property of Valve Corporation.